TV Addicted Turtle

A Turtle and her TiVo.

What a Sunday! September 25, 2006

Filed under: Fall 2006,New Shows,Reality TV,TV Junkfood — tvturtle @ 12:57 pm

First off, I’m writing for Pass The Remote, doing recaps and stuff on Desperate Housewives, Gilmore Girls and teaming up with TVFan on Lost!  I’ve already written my first entry on ‘Housewives’, so my take on the premiere, go to PTR and check it out! 🙂

On to last night’s TV-

Amazing Race- Ok, I’m going to be the first (that I know of) to say it….Peter (of Peter & Sara), is an asshole.  He’s constantly pushing Sara by reminding her “Show them how tough you are! Show them your strength! RUN!”….Now, if I were Sara I would see this as he is a little uneasy that his girlfriend has one leg and he wants to prove to everyone that his girlfriend is better than anyone else, despite her diability.  I’m sure a lot of people see it as he’s just ‘cheering’ her on…but seriously, his tone would make me smack him upside his head with my shoe (or in Sara’s case, I’d use the leg!)….He’s an ass, in my not so humble opinion, he’s an ass.  Ok, he’s coming across as an ass on TV, is that better? Maybe he’s a really swell guy, I don’t know.

David & Mary are my faves….They’re just simple folk who probably thought “Hey! Let’s do THAT!! That looks like fun! It’ll be a free vacation! SWEET!”  And they got on the show and I LOVE THEM!  They’re just happy to be traveling, they aren’t nasty or condecending, they’re just who they are and that’s ok.  And I swear the highlight of the show last night was when they were talking about Tom & Terry and they looked around and said in their quiet voices “We ain’t never been around gay people before.” Then Mary chimed in “I REALLY LIKE ‘EM!”  That was great!! I love it! GO Mary and David!!!!

And can I say I was a little sad that the cheerleaders got booted, they tried really hard and busted their tails and I actually felt bad for them.  I usually don’t care this early on, but they really did give it all they had.  I’m hoping that some folks in the back of the pack move up front so that the ‘uppers’ will get all territorial and then we can see some good drama! I just love The Race!

Without A Trace- Excellent start to the season!  Nothing overly dramatic happened, but it was a good show as usual.  Let’s see if I think that after next week’s episode, the stripper episode as I’ll call it…..grasping at straws much?

Brothers & Sisters- Ok, when I first read about this show I thought “Wow, that sounds like it could be really good…but it will probably suck.”  Then I realized that Sally Field and Rachel Griffiths are in it (yeah, Calista is in it, but we won’t hold that against the show, besides she actually did a fairly good job with her character!).  I’ve loved Rachel Griffiths since Six Feet Under (yeah she was on other shows, but I don’t remember her from any of those) and I am so glad that she has another show, she’s a talented actress!  Anyway, back to the show…EXCELLENT SHOW!!! I am throughly wrapped up in this show now! There was enough intrigue to leave me wanting more, but without being too over-the-top, the characters gave enough background information on themselves to give me a good idea of who everyone is and the conflict between the mother and daughter is excellent…Sally Field is the best actress…EVER! Watch this show if you haven’t already, it’s worth an hour of your time, trust me. 

Between Brothers & Sisters, Studio 60 and Men in Trees, this new season of TV has proven fruitful! And we still haven’t seen Ugly Betty!!  Wow, we have way more TV on our TiVo than any normal person should have…..I should read more.